Don't forget we break up for the Easter fortnight this coming Friday, 26th March, and return on Monday 12th April.

In a move that we think most parents will welcome, we would inform you that from Friday 16th April we will be reverting back to full teaching days on a Friday, so this week will be the last time we have to enforce this rule. We will still be following the staggered start/finish times so children will still be dismissed in 10 minute intervals from 3.00pm onwards. This position will be kept under review until further notice.

We would also remind parents that our 7.45am pre-school Early Bird provision will end this week. Children on staggered start times with siblings in other year groups will still be able to access school from 8.30am but the arrangements will be slightly altered. More information will follow on this by the end of the week. We would thank you for your valued support thorughout this time - we will revisit the provision perhaps at a later stage if we feel there is a significant demand for it. 

The next major announcement from the Prime Minister regarding the potential further relaxation of lockdown rules will not be made until Monday 12th April. Any changes to start/finish times or the further easing of social distancing rules within the school environment are therefore unlikely to be responded to until we know what the content of that annoncement will be. Please be vigilant to the current expectations and national guidance until then.