What have we been learning? April 2024

Image of What have we been learning? April 2024

Year 3

How time flies! We can’t believe our Year 3 cohort have almost been with us for a whole year of fantastic learning! In English this half term, we have began studying a new fiction story called ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. We will be using inspiration from the book to creating our own…

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What have we been learning? January 2024

Image of What have we been learning? January 2024

Year 3

Year 3 have been working so hard this term and have fully settled in to life at Fulwell Junior School. Recently, we have been showing off our fantastic maths through learning bus stop division and column multiplication. We are looking forward to taking part in some active maths lessons…

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What have we been learning? September 2023

Image of What have we been learning? September 2023

Year 3

Wow, what a start to Fulwell Junior School year 3 have made! They have took everything in their stride and have worked so incredibly hard. They have created some fabulous artwork by learning new techniques such as blind drawing and continuous line drawing as well as learning about the…

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Homework Arrangements 2023 - 2024

Image of Homework Arrangements 2023 - 2024

Homework Arrangements 


Every Friday, all children will be assigned homework by their class teacher to be returned or completed for the following Friday. The homework will be set as follows:

  • Spellings - each child will have a selection of spellings to practice and learn at home in a…
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World of Work - Architects!

Image of World of Work - Architects!

This week, children in school have been learning about the job of an Architect, which links closely with our Designs for Life project. Many of our children have now shown an interest in this career. If you want to explore this further with them at home, please see the below websites: 

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What have we been learning? May 2023

Image of What have we been learning? May 2023

Year 3


How is it possible that we are in our final term of year 3? As always, year 3 have been working so hard with a brilliant attitude towards their work. In English, we have been reading a fantastic fiction book called “The Boy Who Grew Dragons”. This has been a stimulant for our…

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What have we been learning? January 2023

Image of What have we been learning? January 2023

Year 3

What a start to a new term and a new year we have had in year 3! The children have started 2023 with a bang and have been working so hard in their learning. In English, we have began reading 'Beaver Towers' by Nigel Hinton and are loving the characters and the story. We have been working…

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